Children’s Group is Kindergarten to 5th Grade. Our teacher is Ms. Brandi Bell assisted by volunteers. We desire to see our children grow spiritually and to flourish in a healthy and safe environment in every way here at First Baptist Church. As you get involved your family will have an opportunity to experience God’s love in a place designed just for children! Every time you enter our children’s ministry area you will sense the excitement taking place in the “Family Room” as our ministry team warmly welcomes your child.
Sundays are when children really dig into God’s Word. Bible study begins at 9:15 am with our large group time, then break out into small group time to dive deeper into our Bible lesson. Children’s Curriculum is Orange 252 Kids which combines child development and theology to create a comprehensive children’s ministry curriculum and strategy for every phase of a kid’s life focusing on making wiser choices, building stronger relationships, and developing a deeper faith. We head to worship with our families at 10:30 am before being dismissed to Children Worship Time in the “Family Room”.
New to First: our children and preschool ministries are located in the educational wing of the church. When you enter into the church you will go past the Welcome Desk and take the hallway to the right to enter the education wing. The children’s hallway will be to the left (the adult department is to the right).
Activities Throughout the Year: Throughout the year there are many extra activities planned for children and their families. You will find on our calendar events like Parent’s Night Out, Easter Family Fun Day & Egg Hunt, Summer Camp, Family Retreat Day, Game Day, End of the School Year Water Games & Slides, Vacation Bible School and so much more. Be sure to check the church calendar to see what is coming up next!