Mission Partners

Mission Partners

For more information about how you can walk alongside us in missions, please contact Missions Pastor, Brenda Cohen through the church office at 352-376-4681 or email her at brenda.cohen@fbcgainesville.net. Watch for updates in our weekly and monthly Beautiful Feet section in the church newsletter

Mission partners being recognized during our Mission Partner Sunday 2019

Missions close to home …

… and around the globe

Amani Sasa: Mission is to love refugee neighbors by offering safety, wholeness and empowerment. Amani Sasa means Peace Now in Swahili. Missy Angala and her husband Francis lead this ministry.

Missionary Ventures: Mission is equipping and empowering the church worldwide to make disciples. Our MVI connection is Brenda Rose, Missionary in Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

Projects for Haiti Global: Mission is to invest in the capacity of individuals and communities through various training programs with the goal of sustainable development.

Wycliffe Bible Translators: Mission is to see Bible translation programs in progress in every language still needing one by 2025. Vision is to see God’s Word made accessible to all people in the language of their hearts. To connect with our own missionaries Jeremy and Christina Graves go to https://www.wycliffe.org/partner/JCGraves.