Description: Our FBCG Senior Adults will join others from across the southeast in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia’s Senior Adult Retreat on St. Simon Island, Georgia on September 26-28. This will be a fun opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth.
Theme: “Come to the Table: The Practice of Sacred Hospitality“
Retreat Leader: Ruth DuCharme, of Macon, Georgia. She has served for over thirty years as a minister in the area of faith formation. She is currently building a new ministry as a spiritual director and retreat leader.
Cost includes 2 nights stay and registration:
$360 for a couple; $180 for individual in shared room; $340 for individuals in private room
Lodging: Couples or individuals will stay as a group in one hotel on the island (around $140/night).
Contact/Coordinator: Linda Stott (
or 864.918.8465) for questions and to sign up. Deadline to Sign up: ASAP by August 10th.