Oct 3, 2021
Sep 26 – 28, 2021
Senior Adult Retreat
Description: Our FBCG Senior Adults will join others from across the southeast in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia’s Senior Adult Retreat on St. Simon Island, Georgia on September 26-28. This will be a fun opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth. Theme: “Come to the Table: The Practice of Sacred Hospitality“ Retreat Leader: Ruth DuCharme, of Macon, Georgia. She has served for over thirty years as a minister in the area of faith formation. She is currently building a new ministry…
Sep 22, 2021
Mission Speaker
September Mission Speaker Wednesday, September 22, 2021@ 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary Jacob Atem (Ph.D, MPH) Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Southern Sudan Healthcare Organization will give a brief faith story on Sunday, September 12 in worship. On Wednesday, Jacob, a lost boy of Sudan, will share the broader story of his life as a refugee, person of faith, and global health leader working in Southern Sudan. A resident of Gainesville, Jacob will inspire and challenge us as we live…
Sep 19, 2021
Sep 16, 2021
Women’s Bible Study Begins
“True peace comes when we learn to hold God’s Word up to what worries us. There, we learn we can’t fix ourselves; we can’t protect ourselves. Instead, the Bible tells us we can rest knowing Jesus walked into the broken, sad, scary place to rescue us and love us. He is the One who fixes. His is the only protection that matters.” The Women’s Bible Study will begin our Fall study on September 16 at 9:30. At this point we will…
Aug 8, 2021
Aug 6, 2021
Aug 2, 2021
Helping Hands Clinic
FBC will serve the afternoon meal each first Monday of the month from June to December. You may help with meal preparation in the church kitchen beginning at noon or contribute home-baked goodies. You may also volunteer to help serve the meal beginning at 3:15 pm and with this comes the opportunity to meet the people served by the Helping Hands ministry. Thank you, Missions Committee, for recommending that we add this ministry to our calendar! Email brenda.cohen@fbcgainesville.net or text…
Jul 26 – 30, 2021
Family Pool Party
Turnberry Lakes Community Pool. Beginning at 12:00 noon. Sponsored by the Tim Woods Bible Study Class. More information to follow
Jul 5, 2021
Helping Hands Clinic
FBC will serve the afternoon meal each first Monday of the month from June to December. You may help with meal preparation in the church kitchen beginning at noon or contribute home-baked goodies. You may also volunteer to help serve the meal beginning at 3:15 pm and with this comes the opportunity to meet the people served by the Helping Hands ministry. Thank you, Missions Committee, for recommending that we add this ministry to our calendar! Email brenda.cohen@fbcgainesville.net or text…
Jun 26, 2021