Past Events (Page 12)

Past Events (Page 12)

Mar 28 – Apr 2, 2021

Holy Week

Palm Sunday Worship Sunday, March 28 @ 10 AM Remembering the Triumphant Entry of Jesus Sanctuary Choir Leads Worship Drive Thru Maundy Thursday Communion Thursday, April 1st from 6 – 7 pm Remembering the Last Supper with Jesus Good Friday Tenebrae Service (Released on Video) Friday, April 2 Remembering the Crucifixion of Jesus with a Service of Shadows Led by the worship leadership of FBCG, we encourage everyone to invest time in watching this service of music, candles and message…
Mar 24, 2021

How will the Pandemic End?

Each week, Pastor Eric welcomes a national expert to speak on the major post-COVID-19 issues of the day and how we can engage them.  March 24:How will the Pandemic End?  Dr. Michael Lauzardo, Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine, University of Florida Michael Lauzardo, MD, MSc, is an associate professor within the division of infectious diseases and global medicine. He also serves as the director of the CDC funded Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center (SNTC) at the University of…
Mar 17, 2021

Post-Covid Missions

Each week, Pastor Eric welcomes a national expert to speak on the major post-COVID-19 issues of the day and how we can engage them.  March 17:  Post-Covid Missions, Dr. Steven Porter, Global Missions Coordinator, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Steven Porter, (Th.D. Duke University, Mission and Evangelism, Systematic Theology), was named CBF’s new Global Missions Coordinator on April 30, 2014. He is a strategic and innovative mission leader and former director of Touching Miami with Love, one of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s…
Mar 10, 2021

Post-Covid Families

Each week, Pastor Eric welcomes a national expert to speak on the major post-COVID-19 issues of the day and how we can engage them.  March 10: Post-Covid Families, Rev. Andrea Cook, Pastoral Counselor Rev. Andrea Cook (EdD, UGA) is quirky, down to earth, and finds humor in all kinds of circumstances, including her own awkward moments and embarrassing life lessons. She is a pastoral counselor because she believes everyone benefits from talking it out, gaining new perspectives, and adding additional…
Mar 3, 2021

Post-Covid Culture

Each week, Pastor Eric welcomes a national expert to speak on the major post-COVID-19 issues of the day and how we can engage them.  March 3: Post-Covid Culture, David Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics, Mercer University. Dr. David P. Gushee (PhD, Union Theological Seminary, New York) is the elected Past-President of both the American Academy of Religion and Society of Christian Ethics. He is author and/or editor of 25 books and over 150 book chapters, journal articles, and…
Feb 24, 2021

Post-Covid Church

Each week, Pastor Eric welcomes a national expert to speak on the major post-COVID-19 issues of the day and how we can engage them.  February 24:   Post-Covid Church, Rev. Mark Tidsworth, Founder and Team Leader, Pinnacle Leadership Associates With a keen curiosity about life, Mark explores the intersection of faith, church, and 21st century living. Mark has served as a pastor, new church developer, interim pastor, renewal pastor, therapist, nonprofit director, business owner, leadership coach, congregational consultant, leadership trainer, and…
Feb 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday

February 17 First Baptist Church, Gainesville, Florida14105 NW 39TH AVENUE 7-8 AM and 5:30-6:30 PM
Jan 31, 2021

Blood Drive

Blood donations are tested for COVID-19 antibodies!All donors will receive a recognition item and a free cholesterol screening. Donors must be 16 or older, weigh at least 110 pounds, and show photo I.D. 16-year-olds require written parental permission.
Dec 27, 2020

Pastor Lynn’s Retirement Celebration

Pastor Lynn’s Retirement Celebration Sunday, December 27th @ 10 AM During our sanctuary and living room worship service on December 27, we will celebrate Pastor Lynn William’s retirement from First Baptist Church.  The service will be filled with Pastor Lynn’s favorite music, reflections on Pastor Lynn’s ministry, and more.  We will not be able to hold a traditional Baptist reception for Pastor Lynn – thank you Covid-19!  Instead, be looking for opportunities to personally thank Pastor Lynn for her ministry…
Dec 13, 2020

Youth Christmas Party

Let’s Get Together!  We will be ending 2020 with a youth Christmas event. Tons of fun planned, including a White Elephant Gift exchange (be sure to bring a wrapped NO TAG gift with you), pizza lunch,  cupcake decorating contest, decorate a Christmas tree, crazy minute to win it games with prizes,   and a Bible devotion. Lastly, we will finish with more games! We will have this in the fellowship hall to allow for spreading out. Please feel free to bring…
Dec 11, 2020

Parent’s Night Out

Christmas movie, sugar cookies and hot chocolate.All CDC guidelines regarding Covid will be observed.