Nov 15, 2020
Business Meeting
ZOOM MEETING DETAILS Join Zoom Meeting on your computer, smartphone or ipad by following this Link: ID: 886 7697 6780Passcode: FBCGzoom Join the Zoom Meeting on your PHONE by calling this long-distance number: 929-205-6099. You will be asked to give for a meeting code and passcode. Meeting ID: 886 7697 6780Passcode: 88206276Be on the Look Out! We mailed each Church Member a packet of Business Meeting Materials on Thursday, November 5 or at this link. These materials include: First Baptist Church Business Meeting Brochure (with all the…
Nov 15, 2020
First Baptist Church Gainesville will celebrate Communion this Sunday @ 10 AM in both our Sanctuary and Living Room Worship Services. Here is how you can get prepared to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Living Room Worship: Gather your supplies before worship. Come by the church during office hours to pick up your Prepackaged Communion elements (Wednesday and Thursday 9 – 4:00 pm). OR gather crackers and juice from your home to use in worship. Spiritually Prepare. Read Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians concerning Communion…
Nov 7, 2020
Yard Sale
Proceeds to Benefit Youth and Missions We need all hands on deck Thursday, November 5, 1pm to 4:30pm, move items to the front lobby Saturday, November 7, 6am, move tables and items to the outside Saturday, November 7, 7:30am to 12:30pm, to help with sales Saturday, November 7, 12:30 – 1:30 to pack up unsold items Contact Pat and Tim Swain at 386-462-5549 (home) or 352-222-5675 (cell) if you have items ready to donate or to volunteer to help. Thank…
Nov 1, 2020
All Saints Sunday
On the first Sunday in November we will observe All Saints Sunday. We will remember our loved ones who have passed away over the last year. If you would like your loved one (church member or not) included on this special Sunday, please send their name and, if possible, a picture to Elizabeth Byrd ( or call 352.376.4681.
Oct 31, 2020
Oct 11 – 25, 2020
Diaper Drive
Did you notice the in the picture? It stands for One More Child, our mission partner for the month of October. The purpose of One More Child is simple. In their own words, “We exist to change the lives of children and families through Christ-centered services.”In the past we have known this organization and worked along side it as Florida BaptistChildren’s Home. The services of One More Child extend beyond the foster homesestablished throughout our state. Contributions we make help struggling…
Oct 9, 2020
Aug 16 – Sep 20, 2020
School Supplies
As schools begin to open we will once again collect supplies to help our teachers and students, but this year there are some new items on the list. Here is our wish list. Large bottles of hand sanitizer (not individual size) Ziploc bags (quart and gallon size only) Disinfectant wipes #2 pencils Dry erase markers Other supplies a teacher might need A collection table will be set out in front of the church entrance on Sundays from August 16 through…
Jul 27 – 31, 2020
VBS at Home
Vacation Bible School is coming to a home near you July 27-31 is our first ever Digital Vacation Bible School “Rocky Railway – Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through”. We will have a drive through pick up for kids July 27-30 each day. Each day our VBS video will be online for families to tune in to. Please register here.
Jul 29, 2020
Worship Guide – Wednesday night Live
Worship Guide for Tonight’s Wednesday Night live Master Guide for Tonight’s Wednesday Night Live
Jul 26, 2020
Worship Guide
Worship Guide for Today’s Service