Past Events (Page 14)

Past Events (Page 14)

Jul 8, 2020

Bible Study in the Sanctuary

Effective Wednesday, July 8, at 7:00 pm., we will begin worshiping in the FBC sanctuary. Congregational music, intercessory prayers, special music and in-depth Bible study led by Pastor Eric will be part of this fun, worship event. Bible Study will be “Tales of the End: A Study of the Book of Revelation”. This will continue throughout the fall. Each week’s Wednesday event will be live-streamed on our Website so everyone can participate in this ministry. Please invite friends to attend…
Jun 28, 2020

Drive-Thru Communion & Children’s Book Collection

Come enjoy a wonderful worship experience from the comfort of your car.  Our FBC Deacons will guide you and your family through an encounter with the death and resurrection of Jesus as we celebrate communion together safely.  We hope to see you there.    Reminder At the same time as the communion, we are collecting gently used or new  books for children of all ages. The books, along with completed coloring cards should be brought to the church.
Jun 28, 2020

Worship Guide

Worship Guide for June 28, 2020 Service
Jun 14, 2020

Beautiful Feet Opportunity

By donating new or gently used children’s books and including colorful, personalized cards, we can continue to be the beautiful hands and feet of Jesus even when we cannot visit in person. On Sunday, June 14, from 11:30 am until 12:30 pm please drive by the church and pick up packets of cards and stickers to add to your book donations. Books and finished cards should be brought to the church on Sunday, June 28, from 11:00 am until noon…
Jun 14, 2020

LIVE Online Worship

FBC will host Living Room Worship Live on Facebook at 8:30 am at the following link: Worship Guide for June 14:
Jun 7, 2020

LIVE Online Worship

FBC will host our first Living Room Worship Live on Facebook at 8:30 am at the following link: Worship Guide for June 7: